Monday, May 4, 2015

Start a Blog

So as you may know, or maybe you don't know, I started this blog for a language arts class. At first, I'll be honest; I wasn't very excited about it. The thought of having to write three blogs a week seemed unbearable when I could be outside or taking a nap or watching Netflix. But throughout this year I have learned a lot through blogging that I wouldn't have learned through any other way.
1. I learned how to create my own writing style. I can write the way I want, sometimes the way that I would talk in a real conversation and sometimes not. I use sarcasm because I am one of the most sarcastic people you will probably ever meet and I try to use puns if I happen to be feeling creative and genius that day. The point is, I can write however I feel like writing.
2. I learned about fitness. I know it may be a shock to you but I don't know everything there is to know about fitness. At the beginning of this year I actually knew close to nothing about fitness, other than the knowledge that I acquired through my own experiences or track and cross country. But as much as I dislike school a lot of the time, I actually love learning new things. So this was great.
3. I also motivated myself. Sometimes my blog posts that were meant to motivate others motivated myself as well. I started practicing what I preached and it really helped me as a runner. Because running is such a mental game, writing about it made me realize that I had never actually been trained in that area of fitness. I never learned how to be mentally tough. However through different blog posts and research, I really learned what mental toughness is all about. As my AP Psychology teacher would say, it's "doing your best when it matters most."
I never thought that starting a blog would be something that I would enjoy but it turned out that it advanced me both academically and physically. So what's the point here? Don't just read blogs, start a blog. You have no idea what it can do for you. It can change you as a person in the weirdest ways that you would never expect, and that's a pretty cool thing.

Word Count: 394

The End is Near

Sadly, all great things have to come to an end. Well this year's track season wasn't really what I would call great but it still has to come to an end too, and that end is coming this week. So you probably can't tell, but I'm not exactly in love with running (honestly I don't know how anyone could be), it is just something to keep me active and it gives me something to do.
When this track season started, I'm going to be honest; I wasn't very excited for it. I honestly couldn't wait for it to end. But even with all of the struggles I faced during the season, I believe that it wasn't a total waste of my time, because I came out a better person in the end.
One of the greatest struggles I faced this season was the high expectations from my coach. A few years ago my coach had really good track and cross country teams so the last couple of years have been rough on him, considering the team he has now doesn't quite measure up to that team from years before. We all work hard and do our best during practices and meets, but it never seems good enough because he is still comparing us to those runners from 2013. It has been a lot to handle, but ultimately, it encouraged me to try that much harder and it made me a better runner. I still don't believe that our team became as good as he was hoping, but the high expectations he placed on us definitely made us all better runners, and better people in the long-run (no pun intended).
The other thing that caused this track season to be more difficult and drag on longer than usual was the injury of one of my good friends. My running buddy that I have always stuck with in the past had a hip injury early in the season, causing her to be out for the majority of the season. Without her to talk to on long-runs and complain to on fast runs, the season seemed to drag on forever. However, I did become closer with other girls on the track team because of this, so even though I was upset about my friend's injury, it ended up to be not such a bad thing for myself after all.
So even though I faced many struggles this track season, and it was more difficult than usual to push through, I am sad to say that after this week it is over. I will miss my coach's lectures that just pushed me harder and the new friends that I made along the journey. You guys are great. I'm gonna miss it.

Word Count: 457

Love Your Differences

So this weekend was prom weekend. Although, because our prom is a senior prom instead of junior-senior, I was not lucky enough to be able to go. However I did see plenty of pictures of all of the different dresses, hairstyles, and shoes. Well, that got me thinking, just like everyone at prom had a different dress, everyone also has a different body type. And just as we compliment other's dresses while still liking our own, we should do the same thing with our bodies.
Girls (and boys) grow up in a society centered around image. We are taught that there is only one body type that matters. Seeing Victoria's Secret models and other clothing models, as well as many of the figures seen on television shows and in movies, we begin to believe that there is only one body type that is acceptable, which is so incredibly wrong. Just as we accept others' hairstyles and dresses to be beautiful because everyone's is different, we should see our body types as beautiful and unique.
Now the truth is that you will probably see someone's dress and like it better than yours, or maybe you like their hairstyle better than the one you spent 2 hours on. That is going to happen. And that is going to happen with your body too. There is always going to be someone with skinnier legs, a flatter stomach, bigger boobs or a bigger butt, there is always going to be someone that you think is prettier than you. But that shouldn't mean that you don't love yourself. So you see a girl that has a beautiful dress on, does that make you love your dress any less? It shouldn't. Just like seeing someone that you believe is prettier than you shouldn't make you love yourself any less.
This is just something to keep in mind every day. I know that I am not the greatest person for giving advice like this because just like every other teenage girl out there, I struggle with my body image too. But it is something that I am working on, and just because someone may be better than you in one way or another, just know that you will always have something else that they don't have. You may not know what it is but you have to believe that it's there.
Now you may believe that this post wasn't about health or fitness. But loving yourself is a part of mental health. And you know what they say, healthy mind, healthy body. So therefore I believe that is was about both.

Word Count: 434

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Our Health. Our Decision.

How much say should the government have in what we eat? Recently, this has been a highly controversial subject. Well, you may disagree, and I am okay with that, but I firmly believe that the government should have no control whatsoever about what we eat.
As humans, we are naturally very intelligent (well that's what I choose to believe anyway). Generally, we know what is healthy for us and what is not so good. If we choose to eat something that isn't that great for us, then that should be our decision as a free American to make. Controlling the size of drink restaurants are allowed to sell or how many fast food restaurants a community is allowed to have is taking it way too far. We are fully capable of deciding what to eat on our own.
Also, who is it hurting if we want to eat McDonald's for every meal of every day until we die of it? That's right, ourselves. Not the government or community. In the end, what we decide to eat is only hurting or helping ourselves, not anybody else. Which is why I believe that it should be up to us. We choose what we eat, we have to deal with the consequences of our choices. That is the way that it should be. How else do you learn to take care of yourself?
Another reason that I believe that it isn't right to control what we eat is because it would be unfair to businesses. Limiting what fast food businesses can sell, or limiting the amount of fast food restaurants in a community is unfair to Americans. We should have the freedom to go into whatever business we want and sell whatever we want. It isn't right for the government to limit business.
Lastly, it doesn't matter if the government tries to limit fast food restaurants and certain foods, if an individual wants to eat food that isn't healthy for them, then they will find another place to do it. If someone really wants to eat McDonald's then they are going to find a McDonald's. Whether it is one mile away or 10 miles away. Trying to limit the unhealthy food isn't going make us any healthier unless we choose to be healthier.
Ultimately, our health should be our choice. The decisions we make concerning what we make only affects ourselves, and therefore we should be the only ones to decide what we do and don't eat.

Word Count: 414

Skinny Can Mean Fit, But it Doesn't Always

Something that has been on my mind recently is one of the major problems that we are dealing with in America right now, and that's our health. We have been taught from a young age that skinnier is better and that the skinnier you are, the healthier you are. However this is not true at all. We need to take steps to solve these issues by encouraging a healthier lifestyle for Americans, instead of a skinnier lifestyle. This starts in the education system.
I think one of the main issues is that children aren't educated about this enough in school. They learn that exercise and fruits and veggies are good for them, but that's all. They need to be taught that their health depends on a balance of so many factors. They should learn that if you don't like exercise, then you don't have to do it every day as long as you watch what you eat closely. Or vice versa, if they don't like watching their calories, then they should be getting a good amount of exercise every day. That also doesn't mean however, that if you exercise everyday then you can eat whatever you want whenever you want, it just means that you have more freedom in what you eat. Your health involves a balance.
Another thing that they should be taught is that part of that balance is genetic, but skinny doesn't always mean healthy. Some people are more prone to obesity, and some people are just naturally skinny. However, don't get that confused with some people are naturally healthy, because that is not the case at all. Often, weight and health correlate, but sometimes they do not. You could be a size 0, but if all you eat is junk food and you never work out, then you are not living a healthy lifestyle. On the other hand, if you are a size 6 or 8 and you eat healthy and workout regularly, then you should be happy with your body and accept that that is your healthy size.
Our education system needs to teach all of this to children. Health isn't just eating healthy or just getting exercise, it is a combination of both, and that is where people often go wrong. Just keep in mind that if you are eating healthy and you get regular exercise then you are good to go, don't worry about your weight.

Word Count: 407

Clean Water, Healthy Life

Much of our tap water is contaminated by harmful chemicals, though the government claims that there is an "acceptable" amount. Can there really be an acceptable amount of toxins? Toxins are toxins. And if the water we drink from the tap is harmful to us, and drinking out of plastic bottles is harmful to the environment, then what are we supposed to do? I believe that our tap water is indeed harmful but that we shouldn't resort to drinking out of non-reusable water bottles. Instead, we should invest in a water purifier, that will clean our tap water for us, to keep both us and the environment healthy.
There are requirements set by the government that our drinking water has to meet, however I don't believe that they are strict enough. Water can only have a certain amount of toxins in it, when I believe that there should be none. I know that with pollution, it is near impossible to get our drinking water completely clear of chemicals, I get that. However then, I think it should be the government's job to clean our water. Houses should be supplied with water purifiers, we should not have to provide them for ourselves.
Ozone Boy Water Purification Sale!
Ozone Purification System
Though I wish that the government took more responsibility for keeping our water clean, this is not the case. So for now, we need to take responsibility for getting the cleanest water possible. While drinking out of plastic bottles seems the most practical and easiest way to solve this problem, we need to take into account the environment. The cost it takes to make the plastic and all of the extra waste we would be creating with the extra bottles, this does not seem like the greatest idea for our environment. I suggest a purifier. Either one that you can fill and store in your fridge (like I have), or one that attaches to your faucet directly such as the Ozone Boy Water Purification System. These systems may seems pricey right now, but they will pay off in the long run, and they will be healthier for you and the environment,
So I challenge you to take the step to a healthier life with a water purifier, and to look out for the environment by not drinking out of plastic bottles.

Word Count: 393

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Is Cheerleading a Sport? (part 2)

So if you've been keeping up with my blog, which you probably haven't been, I recently wrote a post about whether or not I thought cheerleading was a sport. Well I only touched on the fact that I didn't believe that sideline cheerleading was a sport because it doesn't compete. However, I didn't get the chance to say that I strongly believe that competition cheerleading IS a sport. Please don't try to fight me on this one, I have done competition cheerleading before, so I know what it's like.
There are so many reasons why I believe that competition cheer is a sport, but let's just start with the time commitment. Competition cheer, depending on how extreme, can have 3-4 practiced a week, for 2-3 hours each. Also, on days you don't have practice there is open gym, which means a couple of hours working on stunts and tumbling. Then, when competition season starts, you spend the entire weekend at the competition. It's safe to say that these cheerleaders spend equal or more time training then every other sport.
Reason number 3 is that the skill and endurance it takes to be a competition cheerleader is intense. You have to work at it to be good, and it isn't an easy road to success. Tumbling and stunting and the dance component all take a great deal of training, you aren't just born with that kind of skill. You have to be in extremely fit to be able to tumble and do the tricks that these people do. Also, when stunting, the bases (people on the bottom of the stunt) have to have a great deal of muscle to hold a girl in the air for as long as they do and to throw and catch their flyers. Now the girl on top may seem like she has the easy job, but she too has to have a great deal of muscle and flexibility to hold her poses and keep her balance. Lastly, it takes a great amount of endurance to get through a 4 or 5 minute routine, of dancing, tumbling, and lifting/throwing people. I am a long distance runner and I remember breathing hard after my routine.
My last point is that they compete, and the judging isn't subjective. They are judged on the difficulty of their stunts and tumbling as well as the amount of facials they express. Competing is the part that really makes competition cheer a sport.
I also believe that school cheer squads that compete are considered a sport. Sideline cheer alone is not a sport, but competition cheer or competition cheer combined with sideline cheer should definitely be known and thought of as a sport.

Word Count: 451

Is Cheerleading a Sport?

I recently read a blog post done by one of my classmates about whether or not dance is a sport. I totally support her opinion on that by the way, dancers are athletes, but I do not believe that it is a sport because the judging is subjective. However, if you want to read more about that point of view then you will just have to read her post because that is not the topic at hand today. I have decided to discuss whether or not cheerleading should be considered a sport.
Okay, so let me just say that I am a cheerleader but I am also a cross country and track athlete, so I know the meaning of pain. However, the answer to whether or not cheer is a sport is slightly more complicated than a yes or no answer. Both sideline cheerleading (cheering on sports teams at games and events) and competition cheer (competing in competitions) are two totally different things to consider.
I have done sideline cheer for either football or basketball or both every year during high school, so I have plenty of experience with it. I'm sorry to say it, but sideline cheer is not a sport. It does not compete. It also doesn't involve any quantity of endurance or a large time commitment (two one and a half hour practices twice a week). Yes, cheerleaders lift people into the air and that takes some sort of muscle and skill, but if you are not competing, then I don't believe it can be considered a sport. I see it as more of a hobby, or an extra curricular activity, or a club. It's not something that you have to put effort into for years and years to be great. It just takes a nice smile, some school spirit and a little bit of flexibility.
Now please don't be offended if you are a sideline cheerleader, because I am one and I think that it is something to be proud of. Just because I don't believe that it's a sport doesn't mean that it isn't accomplishment to be a part of a sideline cheerleading team. I am simply saying that I don't believe that it is a sport because it does not compete, that's all. Now competition cheerleading is a completely different story, but you will have to read my next post to find out my opinion on that.

Word Count: 411

Seeing is Believing.. or not

Most people have seen advertisements at one time or another of a weight loss pill that miraculously helps you drop 30 pounds, with no other dieting. You may have even seen the transformation that real people experienced by using this substance. Well don't be so quick to believe every ad you see, because recently, a few weight loss companies were charged for false advertising.
Yes, everyone wishes that they could take a pill and all of their weight problems would just disappear, but it's not that easy. If it really worked, then why isn't everybody already doing it? How come this magical pill isn't all over the market selling like wild fire? My guess is that it doesn't work as the companies make it out to be. Of course, most companies stretch the truth a little bit when they advertise, but I think this has gone too far. Nothing you see on the internet or television can be trusted anymore, which is sad but true. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out when a company is trying to deceive you though, which was proven by many girls on social media.
I have seen things on twitter, which is what actually sparked my thought about this. Some people on twitter decided to show everyone why they shouldn't trust these weight lose pill advertisements by demonstrating how you could "lose 15 lbs" in 15 minutes with a few easy steps. All it took was a new outfit and a fix in their posture, and boom, they look 15 lbs skinnier. It's upsetting to think about how many times I have probably been tricked or deceived in my life. This is just one thing that companies advertise falsely. I am sure that skin care commercials and cellulite and wrinkle cream commercials can be equally deceiving. If the company's product doesn't work, then instead of going through the trouble of lying to us, they should put forth the effort to make their product better. 
It is too bad that there is no sort of weight loss pill that actually helps you lose weight without diet and exercise, and it is also too bad that companies lie to us by saying that there is. So just remember, the next time you want to try out the newest weight loss pill, do your research and don't believe everything that you see on the internet.

Word Count: 406

Sunday, April 12, 2015


Depression. A 10 letter word and a feeling that most of us don't like to admit that we are having. I'm sorry to break the news to you, but everyone is probably going to experience this at some point in their life. It is not anything to be ashamed of, but you should be aware of it and seek help if need be.
I know from experience how hard it can be to admit to yourself that you are experiencing signs of depression. Most people have been there, even if it was only for a short period of time. However depression can become a serious mood disorder if it last more than 2 weeks and it can be dangerous to your health.
My AP Psychology class is learning about mood disorders right now. I know that if you are depressed then you start having negative thoughts. Also, if you get into a deep depression, then it can become a vicious cycle. You need to be willing to accept that you are depressed and realize that it is nothing that you should be embarrassed about. Once you reach this point then you can get the help you need either from friends, family members, or a professional.
I don't think that a lot of people understand the consequences that can surround a mood disorder such as depression. One of the many consequences of long term depression is disturbed sleep. Just this one problem can lead to so many other complications, such as fatigue and becoming more susceptible to sickness. If you are depressed then you are really slowed down and every day that you are depressed, you are missing out on living your life to the fullest. Depression can be treated and it should be before it goes on for too long.
I myself have recovered from depression multiple times. I never had to seek professional help because I didn't let it get that far, I just talked to family and friends. After a while of that, it made me feel so much better. If you are passed the point of getting through it only through the help of friends and family, then I strongly encourage that you find help. Like I said before, depression is nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about and you need to find help before it impacts your life any further.

Word Count: 394

My Favorite On-the-Go Breakfasts

If you are anything like me, then you are probably always in a rush to get out of the door on time every morning. no matter how early I get up in the morning, I never have time for breakfast, I am always in a rush. In the rush, you may forget the most important meal of the day, breakfast. If you skip breakfast, than you are missing out on many of its health benefits. This is why even if you are prone to running late, and you don't have time for a sit down breakfast, then you need to have a back up plan for when and where you are going to fit in your breakfast.
The great thing about breakfast is that it doesn't have to be much; it just has to be a little something that gets your metabolism moving in the morning. Keeping grab and go foods in your house can be super helpful. Anything from a banana or apple to a granola bar or an apple sauce cup. All of these items can be eaten on your way to school or work or right when you get there. They take little time to eat and will hold you over until lunch time.
Another thing that you could try is getting something ready the night before. You may not have time to stir together a smoothie in the morning (and if you do then you must really have your life together and I applaud you), but you do have time at night before you go to bed. Throw some fruit, yogurt and ice into a blender, then throw it into the fridge. In the morning you can drink it down while you are getting ready. You could also put some cereal into a bag if you are allowed to eat at your first hour class or at work. Sometimes I put some Honey Nut Cheerios into a baggie and put it into my backpack at night, that way, it is one less thing to worry about in the morning and I can have my breakfast when I get to school.
I am forced to live by both of these strategies because I am a perpetually late person every day of my life. Do what works best for you; as long as that means that you are eating breakfast instead of skipping it. Remember that it doesn't have to be anything big, just a little something to give you some energy for the start of your day.

Word Count: 419

Acceptance is Key

Bad days are unfortunately inevitable, but they do not define you as an athlete. Everybody has them and they aren't fun. But you have to know that the road to success isn't going to be easy and there are going to be days that are easier than others, it's just a fact. The best way of getting over a rough day is just accepting that that is what it was, it was just one bad day in between many good days.
So you show up to your track meet that day expecting to PR and then you get the worst time of your career. I am living proof that it can happen. Yep, yesterday I had a track meet and I was expecting so much from myself, maybe too much. I thought that I could PR, and instead my time was the slowest that I could ever remember myself getting. Days like this you may go through a few stages:
Stage 1: Tears
You are upset with yourself. So upset that you could cry, and maybe you do. It's perfectly okay, let it out. Wipe those tears away and get back up, remember that all you can do is improve for next time.
Stage 2: Rage
After you are over being upset about your time, you will probably just be mad at yourself. I know that I am. I just want to drop everything and quit. I hate that I ran slow and that I couldn't move faster. I'm just mad at the world at this point.
Stage 3: Acceptance
When you decide that the world isn't actually after you, and you forgive yourself for how you ran, you have reached the stage of acceptance. Accepting that sometimes days like this happen and you just have to work that much harder next time.
These are the phases that I go through after a bad race, maybe you don't, that's okay too. If you finish a bad race and right away accept that it is something every runner experiences then that is fantastic. However for the runners that struggle when they perform poorly, know that you aren't alone. The point is, after a race like I had yesterday, you must become accepting. It is the only way to get through the bad days. Every athlete has them, acknowledge it and move on.

Word Count: 394

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Healthy Mind Healthy Body

Running has been my way of keeping fit and healthy for as long as I can remember, before I did it for a sport, I ran around my neighborhood for fun. Some may call me crazy when I say this, but I honestly just enjoy running. However most runners have other reason's and motives for going running on a regular basis. That reason is often to keep a nice body due to outside pressures.
Some may say that these thoughts are unhealthy, and maybe they are, I can't be the judge of that. I know that peer pressure can be a negative thing but what people don't realize is that it can also be positive. The right kind of peer pressure can even be healthy. The key is knowing when peer pressure is healthy, and when it has gone too far.
When all of your friends are running and eating healthy, that often causes pressure on you to get more exercise and eat healthier as well. This is an example of positive peer pressure. If your friends and peers are encouraging you to change your behavior so that you become healthier, that is okay. What is not okay is when your peers encourage you, maybe directly or even indirectly to change something about yourself that could cause damage to your health.
If your friends are trying to lose weight, and they over exercise and eat very little to achieve this, you need to realize that this is unhealthy and that you shouldn't fall into the same pattern. They may make comments about your weight or body type that causes you to want to do the same, that should be a red flag.
I think it is so important that kids realize that their peers can impact them positively as well as negatively. Remember that not all peer pressure is bad, and that it is okay to have friends that encourage you to improve your health. I have friends that pressured me into track and cross country. This is one of the best decisions, and healthiest decisions I have ever made, and it was because of peer pressure. So beware of negative peer pressure and be aware of positive peer pressure.

Word Count: 370

The True Meaning of Sportsmanship

On Saturday, I witnessed a moment of true class and sportsmanship. Stephanie Jenks, of Linn Mar High School, ran the 3000 meter early Saturday morning along with myself. Every runner in the state of Iowa knows Stephanie Jenks. She is what I like to call a running prodigy, she is a phenomenal runner. On Saturday, she shattered a 3000m record and then, when she was finished running, she cheered on the rest of the runners in that race, including myself. That is class.
Just to put this into perspective, the 3000m race is 7.5 laps, just shy of 2 miles. In my opinion, it is one of the toughest races that any runner can run. Jenks finished over a lap ahead of the second runner, with an amazing time of 9:51. And then, after, she encouraged the other runners. After I finished the race I felt horrible and there was no way that I had the energy or breath to cheer on anyone else.
Jenks' actions show true sportsmanship and she should be a role model to everyone. I don't know many people that would have done what she did. A lot of times when people excel at something, they become cocky and sometimes rude. Not Jenks. She is so kind-hearted and a good sport. I can't say that I would be the same if I was as gifted as she is.
However Jenks isn't the only sportsmanship I witnessed at Saturday's meet. I had been racing a girl, also from Linn Mar, the entire race. We had gone back and forth, sometimes her in front of me, sometimes me in front of her. As we approached the last 200m, she was in front of me, but I was determined to beat her. So I did, in the last 100m I passed her and beat her. As we lined up after the race in the order that we had finished, she congratulated me and complimented my "strong finish".  You don't often find people like this at competitions. Nowadays, everyone is all men for themselves, and they get upset when things don't go their way. This girl's compliments made my day and restored my faith in people of the world.
So just remember, the next time you finish a race, tell the person in front of you or behind you "good race" or "good job" and cheer others on. Sports can be crazy and intense, but always remember to be kind to your opponents.

Word Count: 413

Stress Less on Meet Day

It's hard to keep the nerves down on the day of a track meet. When you step up to the line at the time of your race, those few moments right before the gun goes off, are always the most nerve racking. It's easy to freak yourself out, but believe me, that is not going to help you to race better. There are a few strategies that you can do to keep the nerves down on race day.
The first thing that you have to remember is that, at this moment, you can not get into any better shape, you can't be any more prepared. You know where you are at and you know how fast you can run. This always calms me down because it reminds me that everything is out of my control until race time.
Another thing is to keep busy during the day. Dive into your school work and forget about the upcoming meet for awhile. If you aren't thinking about it then you can't stress about it. This is why I always listen to music and either read a book or do homework on the bus ride there, so I think less about what I am about to face when I arrive at where I'm headed.
Talking to a team mate can always be helpful as well. If you are both nervous then it helps you to understand that everyone at the meet is feeling the same way you are. They are all just as nervous as you are. A friend could also help to calm you down. If you are working yourself into a frenzy then they can be there to talk you through it. After all, it is just a high school track meet, and if you don't do well, there is always other ones. Your team will be proud of you no matter how good (or bad) you may do, so there's no need to worry.
If you are stressing out during the race, set a steady breathing pace and stay hooked onto the person in front of you. As my coach likes to say "grab onto a ponytail and go". Work your way up in the group that you are running in. If you aren't running in a group, it is helpful that you have a watch so that you can focus on staying on pace. Always remember that there will be other races, so there is no need to stress. If you don't do well in this race, then it is not the end of the world.
Meet day can be stressful, but it doesn't need to be. Just stay focused on what you can control rather than what you can't, This is the day that you have trained for. You are ready. Now go get 'em.

Word Count: 467

Sunday, March 22, 2015

France Redefining the "Perfect Body"

I just read a recent article concerning a bill that is set to pass in France. This bill would require models to have a BMI of no lower than 18, in order for them to be allowed to model. If the model cannot produce proof of their legal BMI, then the agency could suffer some major consequences including jail time.
I think that this bill would be great if it were to be passed. I have always believed that models were much too skinny and unhealthy looking, giving teens around the world unrealistic images that they would compare themselves to. Seeing these women in magazines and on runways, young girls would look at them in awe, wishing to be like them one day, without realizing how unhealthy they actually were. If they are required to have a certain BMI, then their bodies would look much healthier, which I think is very important.
It is important that these models look healthy and realistic, because when they do not, young girls sometimes go to extreme measures to achieve what they believe is the "perfect body". Eating disorders are a huge problem in society today. Up to 24 million men and women of all ages suffer from an eating disorder of some kind in the United States today. That is far too many and it is so sad. Children should be taught from a young age that any body type is beautiful. I am also a strong believer that this concept should also be displayed on the runway.
France's bill is a step in the right direction, but there is so much more that needs to be done. I believe that all shapes and sizes should be displayed on the runway and in fashion magazines, not just those that are 6 foot tall and have a BMI of 18. It is important to teach children (not just girls but also boys) to be comfortable and confident in who they are because all body types are beautiful.
So as thrilled as I am about this new bill that is set to pass, I know that there is so much more that needs to be done. I also hope that if this bill does pass, that it will be enforced as strictly as they say it will. It is important for both children's mental health, but their physical health as well.

Word Count: 396

Track Meet - What to Bring

I don't know where you live, but if you live in an area where the weather can be slightly bipolar, packing for a track meet can be a difficult task. However, there are a few ways that you can pack properly, so that you know you have everything you need for that day/evening.
Obviously you will need your uniform, tennis shoes and spikes, that's the easy stuff. If your track meet is in the afternoon, into the evening, like most of mine are, then the afternoon will probably be warm. In this case, you will need shorts and a t-shirt to go over your uniform while you are not running. However, it will get warmer in the evening and into the night, so you should also pack sweat pants and a sweatshirt as well as under armour to go underneath your uniform just in case.
When I was a freshman, I always struggled with what extras to bring. I always brought things I didn't need and didn't bring things that I wish I had. A few things that I remember clearly are extra underwear, bottoms and socks, icy hot, a roller, pain relievers, food and money. Extra underwear and socks may seem like weird things to pack, but if you over exert yourself there is a chance that you could wet your pants. You probably think that it could never happen to you, but it is always better safe than sorry. Extra socks are great to put on right before a race. After getting your socks sweaty while warming up, it feels great to put on a fresh pair of socks with your spikes right before a race. Icy hot, a roller (for rolling out your muscles), and pain relievers are necessities. Running is a painful sport and these are things that every runner will need. Lastly, money and food. You can never bring enough food to a track meet. Track meets last for hours and you burn off a lot of calories which makes you really hungry. However, make sure you pack healthy foods, like fruit and protein bars and don't eat too soon before your race. As for money, you may need this to purchase a Gatorade or food after you are done racing.
These are just a few of the things needed at track meets. Other things that should be considered is a watch and water bottle. Also, earbuds so that you can listen to music on the bus ride there or before your race to get pumped up. These things have helped me survive track meets so far and I hope it helps you too.

Word Count: 439

Attitude + Motivation = Success

This year's track season is now underway and great things are happening. My first meet was this past Tuesday and I couldn't be happier with the results or more proud of my team. Track can be exciting and fun, but I can't be the only one that still dreads going to practice every now and then. Only two things help me make it through the track season, a good attitude and strong motivation.
Having a good attitude can go a long way. Yes, I realize that most of us would rather be at home, lying in bed, watching Netflix and eating Oreos rather than training on the track, but running is something that you just can't avoid and you did sign up for a running sport after all. Somebody has got to be the one that gets people moving and pumped for the days practice. If you have to be there, then you may as well have a good attitude about it. Think about why you are there and get excited about it. Maybe it's your passion for running, or maybe it's because your friends are there. Either way, the best way to keep a positive attitude is looking for the positives in the situation rather than the negatives. Having a good attitude at the start of practice makes those 8 miles slightly more bearable.
Another thing that is helpful is motivation. Not just having motivation for practice but for the season. You are tired and drained from the day's events when you stumble into practice, but remember how you set that goal for a 5:30 mile? That's why you are there. That is why you work hard. That is why the effort you put forth is so very important. In order to achieve your goals you need to have motivation to get there. Keeping your goals in mind while you are at practice will keep you moving and working hard. Trust me when I say, all of that hard work pays off in the end.
Positive attitudes and motivation aren't things to just keep in mind for the track season, but it applies to all sports, activities and most things in life. If you are motivated to achieve your goals and keep a positive attitude along the way, then there is nothing keeping you from success. Keep that in mind the next time you are dreading going to practice and throughout the rest of this track season.

Word Count: 407

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Are women better than men at racing?

"Women are 'better' than men at running marathons." Well that's great news. This does not mean that they are faster, this means that they are better at keeping a steady pace. I believe that this is because women tend to underestimate themselves while men over estimate themselves during a race.
Women start out their races slow, because they underestimate how fit they actually are. On the flip side, men start out at a quick pace, believing that they are in better shape than they actually are. There is a term that I learned in my AP Psychology class that comes to mind. Over-confidence. It's pretty straight forward, it is when you believe you can do more than you actually can. In a race, because women start out slower, it is less likely that they will "hit a wall" and feel the need to slow down. Men however, sometime during the race will realize that they are moving too fast and slow down.
It has been studied over the course of 6 years, using millions of people and a wide variety of different races, so I want to believe that the statistics are true, however I am still not so sure. During cross country, I find that in both the women's and men's races, there are some runners that take it too slow at the beginning and some that take it too fast. I never thought that it had to do with gender because I saw a pretty even mix across all of the races. I was always one to start out too slowly and have too much energy at the end, however most of my friends struggled with the opposite problem. Because of that, I really believe that it doesn't matter, men or women, I believe that it depends on the person. However, the studies have been done, so I should trust them.
Overall, it is always important when racing to know your strength. At the start of the race, when the gun goes off, it's okay to try to get out of there fast, but also try to settle into a rhythm. After about 400 meters you should lock in your pace for the race. It is always better to start out slower than what feels comfortable, because later in the race you will be glad that you did. Happy racing!

Word Count: 392

Execution of a Veteran with PSTD

Should you be exempt from capital punishment if you have a mental illness? What if you have post-traumatic stress disorder from defending our country? According to a recent article, a Georgia veteran with PTSD has now been the first person executed in the US in 2015. I never think that capital punishment is okay, never have and probably never will. But especially, to someone who suffered from a mental illness acquired from serving our country.
Post-traumatic stress disorder is a horrible mental disorder, and those who suffer from is experience terrifying and often unwanted flashbacks and dreams from their time in war. Veterans that serve our country already put their lives on the line to protect our rights, and then they often don't return the same as when they left, losing limbs, skin, and mental sanity. The things that they see and experience are worse than any of us could ever imagine. That is when they get PSTD. I could never handle what they do, or do what they do.
I believe that they should get more respect. People just don't give them the same respect that they used to. It is something that is really upsetting to me. I am related to many people that have served, including my father, and I look up to him and respect him more than anyone else in the world. He worked with intelligence so fortunately, he came back unharmed, most aren't that lucky. I just have a strong believe that we should have a strong respect to ANYONE who serves our country. Men or women, black or white, young or old. Everyone.
This means that even though the man in the article, Andrew Brannan, killed a police officer, I don't believe that capital punishment was in order. That is not to say that he should be let off the hook because he is a vet with a mental health disorder. I think that he should have gotten at least 50 years to life in jail. Or, depending on how severe his disorder was, mental health therapy. I do not know much about his condition, all I know is that in my opinion, anyone willing to serve and protect our country should be exempt from execution. I believe execution is wrong in all cases. I believe in life in jail. But when we execute someone who fought for our country and was mentally ill because of it, what is that saying? It is taking away all respect for our Veterans. I believe that capital punishment is a big deal and it should be looked at and examined extremely closely before decisions are made. And I believe that each case should be looked at individually. Overall, I just believe that it was wrong to execute someone who served for our country.

Word Count: 467

Sleeping Away Your Alcohol Abusing Odds

In a recent study, it was proven that teens who achieve less sleep a night are more likely to abuse alcohol. I find this interesting because so many kids, with all of their busy schedules, are often getting reduced sleep, especially during the school year.
As a high school student, I know that parties and alcohol happen. I myself have never had experience with it but I know plenty of people who have. It seems like the norm nowadays. I was actually surprised however to see that it was linked to lower amounts of sleep. However, when I think about it, it seems right. Most students who are at high risk to drink and party are the same ones that stay out late on the weekends and are maybe "too cool" to go to bed at 10pm during the school week. That may be a contributor to the problem.
Honestly, I think that the whole thing is sad. If it true that students getting less sleep are more likely to drink and get drunk, then we are all in trouble. Many of my peers are getting less and less sleep as we go through high school. With sports and homework and work and other extracurriculars and family and friends, where does sleep come in? It is hard to balance a school life and a social life and also get a solid 8 hours of sleep every night. This means that we are all increasing our odds to abuse alcohol.
I think that a lot of the responsibility however, falls on the parents. Parents are really busy with their lives and full time jobs and are sometimes worn out when they come home at night. So tired that when their child wants to go out, they let them, no questions asked. Because of this, kids get themselves into bad situations, they abuse alcohol, and often they drive drunk. Parents need to make sure their kids are home at a decent time, and that they are being careful when they are out. They should set guidelines and their kids should expect consequences if they don't follow through with them. They should be aware of the short term and long term consequences of alcohol abuse, and their parents should be monitoring them, to make sure they aren't abusing it.
Low amounts of sleep are such a common thing in high school, parents are more important than ever. Because reduced sleep increases the odds of alcohol abuse, parents should decrease it. Parents need to take responsibility for their children and make sure that they are being safe.

Word Count: 433

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Run Wild at Running Wild

As you all know, track season is quickly approaching. This means new shows! Whether you need to throw out your oldies from the fall cross country season or last track season, or it's just become time that you need a new pair, Running Wild has got you covered.
I have been getting my running shoes from running wild since I started running in the seventh grade. Every shoe I have gotten has been a great fit and has me covered on support. I have had very few injuries in my running days and I owe that to the staff at Running Wild. Now you may be wondering what is so great about Running Wild and why I always choose them. 
To start, their staff is very well trained. When you go in, make sure that you bring your old running shoes, because they will look at those and ask you how well they worked for you. They can use that information to figure out what shoe you should be in. Something else unique that they do is watch you run. They watch your form and take not on what part of your foot strikes the ground while you are running. Based on these two things, they decide on a few different shoes that could work for you. After trying each shoe on, and testing them out on their in store treadmill or outside, you can decide on which shoes you like best, if any, and make your purchase.
Not only do they have great staff and a great variety of shoes, they also have other sportswear. They have everything from tanks to tights to Under Armour and socks. They stock all of the latest brands in any color you could ever imagine. Their prices are also really reasonable. I have not bought much active wear from there myself but I have bought a few things, all of very good quality and I was very satisfied. A lot of my friends also buy products from there, and they have also been happy with their purchases.
Lastly, they give you discounts. I receive a discount just for being in my current school district. So not only is the staff talented and easy to work with, but they are always looking to please their customers. This is why I have always and will continue to buy my running shoes from Running Wild.

Word Count: 399

Expression Through Art

Can art therapy help children's behavior and self-esteem? A study began in 2002 in the UK says yes. In a recent article, I read about the many benefits of the art school and the Art Room. I was not surprised about what the studies found, I was surprised that someone finally figured it out. I have always believed that art and a creative environment was the key to children's development and growth, so I am happy that they are finally figuring this out.
Ever since I was young, I loved art and drawing and painting. It helped me express things that I felt as if I couldn't express in words. It often calmed me down when I got upset or angry. I was also say that I was and still am a fairly well behaved child (or at least that's what I like to believe). Also, a lot of my friends that enjoyed art class and art in general when I was young were also well behaved children. I am not saying that there is necessarily a cause-effect situation, but just from my experiences, it has always seemed to have some sort of correlation, and now studies are out that prove it.
As the article explains, the art schools set up for behavior are all located in the UK. Because they have been proven to be successful, I think that they should be set up around the world. The amount of kids that could be helped would be amazing, not to mention the teachers and parents. My mom is a teacher and she has to deal with unacceptable behavior from her students all the time, and I'm sure that the parents and guardians struggle to deal with it too. If there were art schools set up in every country, where students that struggle could get the help that they need, it could result in a lot less stress for many. It is something that cannot happen at home, it needs to be done at a school with trained professionals. But if kids around the world had access to these schools, then they could shape their behavior and be helped not only in school but for the rest of their lives, in jobs and interactions with others.
The research they have done is great and useful, if they use it. They have discovered things that could be helpful and could be applied around the world to help children not only in the UK but everywhere. They could also apply their research into regular schools, helping to make schools a creative environment so that children feel like they can express themselves in more effective ways.

Word Count: 443

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Embrace the Pace

I recently read a blog post by High School Health Freak called 2.5 miles to 3.1 (Cross country course change), discussing the recent change to the women's high school cross country racing distance. The author of the post is devastated by the change, I on the other hand am excited for the new challenge.
For as long as I've known, the course distance for girls cross country has been a 4k or 2.5 miles and the boys' distance has been a 5k or 3.5 miles. I always wondered why this was the case, I always thought that the girls were just as capable of a 5k distance as the boys are. Now, Iowa officially decided to make the change, girls will now be running a 5k as well as the boys, starting in the fall of 2015. Many girls around Iowa are sad, upset and angry about the change in distance. However, I just see it as a new challenge to conquer. Not that cross country isn't already difficult, but being a senior in high school next year I am excited for a change. It means that we will all have to work a little bit harder but that also means that we will be in better shape than ever before.
I also have a strong belief that sports should let girls off the hook. I believe that we are just as capable as everything the boys are. It was almost an insult that the girls' race was shorter than the boys. We may not get times that are quite as fast as the boys, but that does not mean that we should have a shorter race. So, I am happy that this new distance allows us to measure up against the boys.
Lastly, girls in Iowa might be upset about the change but we are actually one of the last states to make the change. The only states that still have cross country girls running the 4k distance as of the 2014 season are Wisconsin, Kansas, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Texas, Oklahoma, and Iowa. There are 10 and there will soon be 9. That means that 40 other states have already made the change. We really have nothing to complain about, times change. That just means that we are being seen more as equals which is actually something to be really happy about. 
So to everyone who is only looking at the negatives of this change, look a little bit closer, because there is so much good that will come from it. It's a new experience and challenge, and it shows that girls don't need a shorter distance, we can be just as good without it. 

Word Count: 450

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Finding Your Fitness Niche

Many people avoid working out because they always associate it with running. While running is a great option for a workout, it is not the only option. You need to find your niche, something that you enjoy doing a stick with it. There is such a wide range of activities that are effective workouts and I would hate for someone to give up on working out just because they believe that running is the only way, because that is so wrong.
This is something that I have looked at before, because I used to hate running and I know a lot of people that do. I know that strength training like abs and lifting is very effective in getting fit and into good shape. However, there are so many things that I found that are great for building fitness and also sound really fun.
One thing that I found that I would like to try myself is piloxing. It is a mix between Pilates and boxing and while is sounds really tough it also sounds fun. This may be something for you to consider. Even if you aren't looking to get into shape this may be fun for you.
Another thing that I found was Pound. Pound is a sort of dance that you do while holding 2 pound weights. I love being active through dance so that sounds like something I would really like. It is much like Zumba. You may want to start with Zumba before advancing to something like pound. However, pound is currently only offered in 11 states, so you would have to do some research on whether or not it can be found where you live.
You could also do sports in place of running, get a group of people together and play a game of baseball or soccer. Go to the pool and go for a swim. All are great alternatives to running. When I am older, I may decide to try something other than running, because I know that running can be long, and often times boring.
It is hard to stay motivated to work out if you don't like what you are doing. Enrolling into a class is not only fun but is creates a support system. So, I hope you are able to find your niche and have a good time with whatever fitness route you decide to take.

2015 Track Season is on It's Way

Frankly, I'm terrified. Track season is soon approaching, beginning the second week of February. Now I'm going to be honest, I've barely done anything fitness related since the end of cross country season (I am known to be a bit of a procrastinator). My thoughts on this upcoming track season, based on previous experience, is that it's going to be tough going at first, but it won't take long for me to get back into the swing of things.
Freshman year, I didn't go out for cross country in the fall, being too scared, however I decided to go out for track that year. It was one of the hardest things I'd gone through up to that point in my life. The training I had done before the season began was close to none and let's just say that Track and Field in middle school was more of a social event than anything else. Track was my first high school sports experience, and it hit me like a ton of bricks. I barely made it out of there alive. Okay, so maybe I'm over exaggerating things a little bit, but those first two weeks were rough. However, after that, it got better, and I had a blast making new friends and getting into the best shape of my life. So as I really am fearing the upcoming 2015 track season, I have to remember that it could never be worse than my freshman year, and also that if I could get into shape freshman year, I will be able to handle it this year. My goal for the 2015 track season is just beating my times from last year. Any girl in Iowa can find their high school stats from past years on the Iowa Girl's High School Athletic Union website.
So yes, I should have been running for a couple of weeks already, but it is better late than never. I will be starting this week and to all of the other procrastinators out there, know that it is not too late for you either. I have about a month until this season which is plenty of time. I've got this. If you are someone putting off their New Year's Resolution then I get you, it's okay, but start now. A week, a month, a year from now, you will have wish that you started today. So do it. I am.
Anyway, wish me luck this track season, I know I am not going to be as prepared as I should be, but I will be whipped into shape quickly, and that's for sure.

Word Count; 435

Sticking to Your 2015 Resolution

According to Statistic Brain, the most popular New Year's Resolution this year is to lose weight. This is not a shocking statistic but it is something that needs to be discussed. Most people make their resolutions with no goal or plan in mind. How can you expect to fulfill your resolution if you don't have an idea about how you are going to achieve it? You don't need to have a 365 day plan, but you need some sort of plan. It is easiest to achieve your New Year's Resolution by setting goals in small increments, enlisting the help of a buddy and finding your motivation.
Setting multiple goals throughout the year, instead of one goal to achieve over the course of the whole year, it is much easier to maintain. I suggest setting a goal every couple of months or even every couple of the months. That way, you can tell more frequently if you are on the right track with your habits. Also, keep your goals specific. Wanting to lose weight is much too vague. So is wanting to get into shape or eating healthier or exercising more. Set a specific amount of  weight that you want to lose each month or even every 2 weeks. It keeps you in check. It is also then easier to track your progress.
However, I know how hard it is to get motivated and stay motivated through the whole year. That is why I suggest the buddy system. Having a partner that has the same goals as you can be really helpful for the both of you. You can keep each other on track with eating and exercising habits. You can also help each other with setting realistic goals every so often. The point is, it is always a good idea to have someone keeping you in check, it keeps you motivated. Also, don't feel the need to stop at one buddy. Form a group. The more the merrier when it comes to fitness. My team is one thing that I love about cross country and track, they are a great support system and keep me going throughout the season. Just make sure everyone in the group has similar goals and you are good to go.
Lastly, find your motivation. I know that I have already mentioned this in a previous blog post but I think that it is really important to stay motivated. If you have a fitness group then you are already in a good position in terms of keeping motivation through the whole year. However if you are tackling your resolution on your own this year, then here are some tips for making it last. First, find motivating music to workout to. It is always more fun to work out to jammin' hits. Another tip is to always always go back to your inspiration. What inspired you to make this New Year's Resolution? Never forget that. Lastly, patience is key. Know that results aren't going to be instantaneous. You have to put in a lot of effort for an extended period of time to see progress. You are making progress every day, but you may not see it for awhile. Be patient, it will come.
I wish everyone the best of luck on their New Year's Resolution, no matter what it was. Stick to it, stay strong and you will achieve great things.

Word Count: 565