When I was a freshman, I always struggled with what extras to bring. I always brought things I didn't need and didn't bring things that I wish I had. A few things that I remember clearly are extra underwear, bottoms and socks, icy hot, a roller, pain relievers, food and money. Extra underwear and socks may seem like weird things to pack, but if you over exert yourself there is a chance that you could wet your pants. You probably think that it could never happen to you, but it is always better safe than sorry. Extra socks are great to put on right before a race. After getting your socks sweaty while warming up, it feels great to put on a fresh pair of socks with your spikes right before a race. Icy hot, a roller (for rolling out your muscles), and pain relievers are necessities. Running is a painful sport and these are things that every runner will need. Lastly, money and food. You can never bring enough food to a track meet. Track meets last for hours and you burn off a lot of calories which makes you really hungry. However, make sure you pack healthy foods, like fruit and protein bars and don't eat too soon before your race. As for money, you may need this to purchase a Gatorade or food after you are done racing.
These are just a few of the things needed at track meets. Other things that should be considered is a watch and water bottle. Also, earbuds so that you can listen to music on the bus ride there or before your race to get pumped up. These things have helped me survive track meets so far and I hope it helps you too.
Word Count: 439
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