Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Embrace the Pace

I recently read a blog post by High School Health Freak called 2.5 miles to 3.1 (Cross country course change), discussing the recent change to the women's high school cross country racing distance. The author of the post is devastated by the change, I on the other hand am excited for the new challenge.
For as long as I've known, the course distance for girls cross country has been a 4k or 2.5 miles and the boys' distance has been a 5k or 3.5 miles. I always wondered why this was the case, I always thought that the girls were just as capable of a 5k distance as the boys are. Now, Iowa officially decided to make the change, girls will now be running a 5k as well as the boys, starting in the fall of 2015. Many girls around Iowa are sad, upset and angry about the change in distance. However, I just see it as a new challenge to conquer. Not that cross country isn't already difficult, but being a senior in high school next year I am excited for a change. It means that we will all have to work a little bit harder but that also means that we will be in better shape than ever before.
I also have a strong belief that sports should let girls off the hook. I believe that we are just as capable as everything the boys are. It was almost an insult that the girls' race was shorter than the boys. We may not get times that are quite as fast as the boys, but that does not mean that we should have a shorter race. So, I am happy that this new distance allows us to measure up against the boys.
Lastly, girls in Iowa might be upset about the change but we are actually one of the last states to make the change. The only states that still have cross country girls running the 4k distance as of the 2014 season are Wisconsin, Kansas, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Texas, Oklahoma, and Iowa. There are 10 and there will soon be 9. That means that 40 other states have already made the change. We really have nothing to complain about, times change. That just means that we are being seen more as equals which is actually something to be really happy about. 
So to everyone who is only looking at the negatives of this change, look a little bit closer, because there is so much good that will come from it. It's a new experience and challenge, and it shows that girls don't need a shorter distance, we can be just as good without it. 

Word Count: 450

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Finding Your Fitness Niche

Many people avoid working out because they always associate it with running. While running is a great option for a workout, it is not the only option. You need to find your niche, something that you enjoy doing a stick with it. There is such a wide range of activities that are effective workouts and I would hate for someone to give up on working out just because they believe that running is the only way, because that is so wrong.
This is something that I have looked at before, because I used to hate running and I know a lot of people that do. I know that strength training like abs and lifting is very effective in getting fit and into good shape. However, there are so many things that I found that are great for building fitness and also sound really fun.
One thing that I found that I would like to try myself is piloxing. It is a mix between Pilates and boxing and while is sounds really tough it also sounds fun. This may be something for you to consider. Even if you aren't looking to get into shape this may be fun for you.
Another thing that I found was Pound. Pound is a sort of dance that you do while holding 2 pound weights. I love being active through dance so that sounds like something I would really like. It is much like Zumba. You may want to start with Zumba before advancing to something like pound. However, pound is currently only offered in 11 states, so you would have to do some research on whether or not it can be found where you live.
You could also do sports in place of running, get a group of people together and play a game of baseball or soccer. Go to the pool and go for a swim. All are great alternatives to running. When I am older, I may decide to try something other than running, because I know that running can be long, and often times boring.
It is hard to stay motivated to work out if you don't like what you are doing. Enrolling into a class is not only fun but is creates a support system. So, I hope you are able to find your niche and have a good time with whatever fitness route you decide to take.

2015 Track Season is on It's Way

Frankly, I'm terrified. Track season is soon approaching, beginning the second week of February. Now I'm going to be honest, I've barely done anything fitness related since the end of cross country season (I am known to be a bit of a procrastinator). My thoughts on this upcoming track season, based on previous experience, is that it's going to be tough going at first, but it won't take long for me to get back into the swing of things.
Freshman year, I didn't go out for cross country in the fall, being too scared, however I decided to go out for track that year. It was one of the hardest things I'd gone through up to that point in my life. The training I had done before the season began was close to none and let's just say that Track and Field in middle school was more of a social event than anything else. Track was my first high school sports experience, and it hit me like a ton of bricks. I barely made it out of there alive. Okay, so maybe I'm over exaggerating things a little bit, but those first two weeks were rough. However, after that, it got better, and I had a blast making new friends and getting into the best shape of my life. So as I really am fearing the upcoming 2015 track season, I have to remember that it could never be worse than my freshman year, and also that if I could get into shape freshman year, I will be able to handle it this year. My goal for the 2015 track season is just beating my times from last year. Any girl in Iowa can find their high school stats from past years on the Iowa Girl's High School Athletic Union website.
So yes, I should have been running for a couple of weeks already, but it is better late than never. I will be starting this week and to all of the other procrastinators out there, know that it is not too late for you either. I have about a month until this season which is plenty of time. I've got this. If you are someone putting off their New Year's Resolution then I get you, it's okay, but start now. A week, a month, a year from now, you will have wish that you started today. So do it. I am.
Anyway, wish me luck this track season, I know I am not going to be as prepared as I should be, but I will be whipped into shape quickly, and that's for sure.

Word Count; 435

Sticking to Your 2015 Resolution

According to Statistic Brain, the most popular New Year's Resolution this year is to lose weight. This is not a shocking statistic but it is something that needs to be discussed. Most people make their resolutions with no goal or plan in mind. How can you expect to fulfill your resolution if you don't have an idea about how you are going to achieve it? You don't need to have a 365 day plan, but you need some sort of plan. It is easiest to achieve your New Year's Resolution by setting goals in small increments, enlisting the help of a buddy and finding your motivation.
Setting multiple goals throughout the year, instead of one goal to achieve over the course of the whole year, it is much easier to maintain. I suggest setting a goal every couple of months or even every couple of the months. That way, you can tell more frequently if you are on the right track with your habits. Also, keep your goals specific. Wanting to lose weight is much too vague. So is wanting to get into shape or eating healthier or exercising more. Set a specific amount of  weight that you want to lose each month or even every 2 weeks. It keeps you in check. It is also then easier to track your progress.
However, I know how hard it is to get motivated and stay motivated through the whole year. That is why I suggest the buddy system. Having a partner that has the same goals as you can be really helpful for the both of you. You can keep each other on track with eating and exercising habits. You can also help each other with setting realistic goals every so often. The point is, it is always a good idea to have someone keeping you in check, it keeps you motivated. Also, don't feel the need to stop at one buddy. Form a group. The more the merrier when it comes to fitness. My team is one thing that I love about cross country and track, they are a great support system and keep me going throughout the season. Just make sure everyone in the group has similar goals and you are good to go.
Lastly, find your motivation. I know that I have already mentioned this in a previous blog post but I think that it is really important to stay motivated. If you have a fitness group then you are already in a good position in terms of keeping motivation through the whole year. However if you are tackling your resolution on your own this year, then here are some tips for making it last. First, find motivating music to workout to. It is always more fun to work out to jammin' hits. Another tip is to always always go back to your inspiration. What inspired you to make this New Year's Resolution? Never forget that. Lastly, patience is key. Know that results aren't going to be instantaneous. You have to put in a lot of effort for an extended period of time to see progress. You are making progress every day, but you may not see it for awhile. Be patient, it will come.
I wish everyone the best of luck on their New Year's Resolution, no matter what it was. Stick to it, stay strong and you will achieve great things.

Word Count: 565