Sunday, April 26, 2015

Our Health. Our Decision.

How much say should the government have in what we eat? Recently, this has been a highly controversial subject. Well, you may disagree, and I am okay with that, but I firmly believe that the government should have no control whatsoever about what we eat.
As humans, we are naturally very intelligent (well that's what I choose to believe anyway). Generally, we know what is healthy for us and what is not so good. If we choose to eat something that isn't that great for us, then that should be our decision as a free American to make. Controlling the size of drink restaurants are allowed to sell or how many fast food restaurants a community is allowed to have is taking it way too far. We are fully capable of deciding what to eat on our own.
Also, who is it hurting if we want to eat McDonald's for every meal of every day until we die of it? That's right, ourselves. Not the government or community. In the end, what we decide to eat is only hurting or helping ourselves, not anybody else. Which is why I believe that it should be up to us. We choose what we eat, we have to deal with the consequences of our choices. That is the way that it should be. How else do you learn to take care of yourself?
Another reason that I believe that it isn't right to control what we eat is because it would be unfair to businesses. Limiting what fast food businesses can sell, or limiting the amount of fast food restaurants in a community is unfair to Americans. We should have the freedom to go into whatever business we want and sell whatever we want. It isn't right for the government to limit business.
Lastly, it doesn't matter if the government tries to limit fast food restaurants and certain foods, if an individual wants to eat food that isn't healthy for them, then they will find another place to do it. If someone really wants to eat McDonald's then they are going to find a McDonald's. Whether it is one mile away or 10 miles away. Trying to limit the unhealthy food isn't going make us any healthier unless we choose to be healthier.
Ultimately, our health should be our choice. The decisions we make concerning what we make only affects ourselves, and therefore we should be the only ones to decide what we do and don't eat.

Word Count: 414

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