Recently, I read an article about ways that sleep benefits your life. There are the common ways such as increased attention and alertness and reduced stress. However, did you know that it also spurs creativity and reduces the chance of depression? Sleep has many benefits and we should all try to get more sleep a night, but it may be harder than it seems in our busy and distracted lives.
I never would have guessed that a little extra sleep every night would spark creativity or make me less likely to become depressed. However, getting that extra bit of sleep is easier said than done. As a teenager, I get plenty of hours of homework, I have other activities but I also get very distracted. When I get home from school I don't start on my homework right away. I often spend time on social media, or watching TV, or Netflix. Sometimes I spend way too much time simply getting a snack. I do have a lot of homework, but if I got rid of my distractions, I would be able to finish my homework in a reasonable amount of time and go to bed earlier to get the amount of sleep I need.
Let's also remember that the problem isn't always the homework. In many cases, students don't have much homework and they finish it in plenty of time to make it to bed early enough. However, they don't go to bed until late because of the same common distractions. Netflix is one of the largest distractions in a teens life. It is so easy to keep watching TV series episodes and losing track of the time, or getting so engrossed into a show or movie that you don't care about what the time may be.
This is something that I can definitely relate to, but there needs to be a limit on all of the technology and electronics in our lives. We need to be able to control ourselves. All of these distractions are starting to take over our lives without us even realizing it. They inhibit our sleep patterns, therefore affecting the way that we are living. I believe that we should take a second look at what all of this technology is doing to us and how it could possibly be harmful.