1. Sit-ups
Lay flat on your back on the floor with your knees bent at a 90 degree angle. Have someone hold your feet or place them under something such as a couch to keep them on the floor. Place your hands crossed over your chest. Sit up and lay back down. As you sit-up try to keep your eyes on the ceiling. Do intervals of 25-50 depending on your level.

2. Planks
Lay flat with your stomach on the floor. Hold yourself up with your elbows, keeping your elbows equal with your shoulders and your hands straight ahead on the floor. Hold for at least 15 seconds at a time. Repeat 5 times.

3. Leg Lifts
Lay flat on your back with your arms flat by your sides. Lift up your legs to about 6 inches above the floor. Hold for about 25-35 seconds. Repeat 4 times.

4. Bicycles
Lay flat on your back with your arms flat by your sides. Tuck your legs up to your chest. Push one leg straight out so that it is about 6 inches above the ground. As you pull it back in push the other leg straight out in the same position. Do intervals of 25-50 depending on your fitness level. To increase the difficulty of this workout, put your hands behind your head and touch your opposite elbow to your opposite knee (the knee that is tucked to your chest).

5. Opposite Arm and Leg Raise
Begin on all fours, with your knees equal with your hips and your wrists equal with your shoulders. Raise your left arm to shoulder height and your left leg to hip height. Hold for 2 seconds. Repeat this on the opposite side. Do it 15-20 times, switching sides.

Lay flat on your back with your arms flat by your sides. Lift up your legs to about 6 inches above the floor. Hold for about 25-35 seconds. Repeat 4 times.

4. Bicycles
Lay flat on your back with your arms flat by your sides. Tuck your legs up to your chest. Push one leg straight out so that it is about 6 inches above the ground. As you pull it back in push the other leg straight out in the same position. Do intervals of 25-50 depending on your fitness level. To increase the difficulty of this workout, put your hands behind your head and touch your opposite elbow to your opposite knee (the knee that is tucked to your chest).
5. Opposite Arm and Leg Raise
Begin on all fours, with your knees equal with your hips and your wrists equal with your shoulders. Raise your left arm to shoulder height and your left leg to hip height. Hold for 2 seconds. Repeat this on the opposite side. Do it 15-20 times, switching sides.