Friday, December 12, 2014

What's Your Winter Workout?

Well, it's that dreaded time of year again. You know what I'm talking about. The season in which you have to wear 10 layers of clothing just to leave your house. Yeah, that beautiful weather. So how do you work out during the winter? I realize that no one wants to venture outside in a blizzard or the frigged cold, and it is bad for your lungs to work out in extreme temperatures. However, at times during the winter you should try to get out and get some work done outside. Some days though, it is not realistic and you will not be going outside, so what do you do?
Here's a few ideas:

1. The treadmill. Or as I like to call it, the dreadmill. I hate staring at a wall, and I really don't like running nowhere. However, it is an option if it is too cold for running outside and you are dying to get in a few miles. The dreadmill can be made a little bit more bearable with some loud music, or if you can position your treadmill in front of a tv or laptop so that you have a source of entertainment while going nowhere fast, that is also helpful.
2. Cross-fit/Lifting Workout. This is a great option if you are forced to remain indoors for a day or two. If you can put together a series of lifts or ab/strength exercises. This is my first choice when it comes to indoor workouts. It's fun and so much less boring that running on a treadmill.
3. Skipping. While this seems like the worst option imaginable, skipping a day is not a bad idea at all. In fact, you should choose to have at least one day of rest every week. If you know that you will be able to get outside the rest of the week, that there is only one extremely cold day that week, just plan your rest day for that day.
4. Zumba. If you know that you will not be getting outside this winter because you hate the cold even more than I do (which i will say is pretty hard), then you can always sign up for some kind of Zumba or any kind of workout class at your local fitness center, such as the YMCA. You can stay inside and you still get a great workout in.
5. Swimming. This seems like a crazy idea in the winter, why would you voluntarily jump into a cold pool when it is below 0 degrees outside. Well the water, and pool room itself really isn't as cold as you might think. Swimming is such a great source of exercise, working all of the muscles in your body. You could also enroll into a water aerobics class at a fitness center. I have not personally participated in one, but it seems like it would be fun. I mean why not? Going outside with wet hair may stink for about 90 seconds, but anything to avoid jumping onto the dreadmill, right?

Word Count: 509

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