Sunday, December 21, 2014

Keeping Your Skin Clear This Holiday Season

Recently, I've been reading up on my friend's health and beauty blog. Because not only is health and fitness important to me but health and beauty is too, as it should be to everyone. One of Lauren's recent blog posts really spoke to me, it was about skin care. If you are a runner that is unfortunate enough to struggle with keeping your skin clear, then you are with the majority of us, and if you are not then realize how lucky you are. For keeping my skin clear has always been a struggle for me, being a runner myself. Not only do I struggle with my face staying clear, due to sweating, but my hands also become very dry during the winter months.
Skin care is an essential part of my daily routine, it has to be. I struggle with keeping my skin clear in the places that I sweat when I work out. It's really tough. Also, just like Lauren I struggle with dry skin, I have ever since I was really young. So again, just like Lauren, I use a daily moisturizer to keep my skin smooth. Now however, since I read her blog post, I may try to use the apricot scrub that she suggested to remove dead skin from the surface of my skin. I always thought that a simple moisturizer would be enough, but maybe an extra scrub is just what I need to keep my skin clean and smooth.
As it is also mentioned in Lauren's post, she likes to be photo ready when it comes to the holidays. Keeping my face clean and clear during the holidays is important to me as well for the same reason. However, my hands are something else that, especially during the cold and bitter winter weather, struggle to stay smooth and moist. This is something that bugs me when I am either giving or opening gifts. I am embarrassed by how dry my hands become. That is why I use a small dab of Neutrogena hand cream each night before I go to bed. This keeps my hands nice and smooth, so that I am ready for the season of giving, receiving and meeting.

Clear and smooth skin is something that you have to work at, most of the time it doesn't come easy. But as long as you moisturize or use skin care products, you can look great for photo taking this season. Also, reading Lauren's L.G. Health and Beauty blog will give you great tips on other beauty areas that can help you all throughout the year, not just the holiday season. 

Word Count: 438

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