Sunday, December 21, 2014

A Review of My New Not So Favorite Thing

Recently I tried a new Smoothie Splash V8 drink. It was strawberry/banana flavored and being smoothie related I figured that I would really like it; also, strawberry banana is my favorite flavor. However, much to my displeasure, I did not like the taste of it at all, I finished one glass and then I was done with it.
When my mom first came home with the V8 Splash Smoothies, I was really excited to try it. It looked really good and it sounded like something that I would enjoy. My first drink of it wasn't bad, I actually liked it. However, after a few more sips I decided that I didn't really like it. It was pretty bitter tasting and I could barely taste the strawberry banana flavoring. By the time I finished the glass, I had made my decision, I didn't like it.
Not only does it not taste that great, but it also isn't very good for you like it advertises. On the front of the bottle it says that it contains Vitamin A and C, which is not a lie. It does in fact contain both of those ingredients. However, when I looked to the ingredients I found that the second ingredient is high fructose corn syrup. Definitely not the type of thing that I want to be putting into my body. Not that I would never drink high fructose corn syrup, because it is in most of the things that I drink, but if I am looking for a healthy drink then this is not the type of thing I'm looking for.
Overall, I would not recommend this drink to any of my friends. I don't think that it is bad; I just don't like it personally. That's not to say that no one else could like it, or that you wouldn't like it. It is just something that I will not be buying or drinking again. Needless to say, this is my new not so favorite thing.

Word Count:332

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