Sunday, September 21, 2014

High Risk Fashion

People may be surprised to find out that many popular fashion trends in today's generation can actually be harmful to our health. A few of these things include tanning, heavy purses, and shoe trends such as high heels and flip flops. People don't always realize the harm in such things because they are such a popular thing in our culture, but they can be really harmful.
Both tanning in a tanning bed and laying out on a beach are equally dangerous to your health. About 2.3 million teens visit tanning salons every year. Visiting a tanning bed more than ten times a year increases your odds for melanoma, a deadly skin cancer, by about 800 percent. This does not include the damage your skin receives from the sun's ultra violet (UV) rays if you choose to lay out and tan directly from the sun. The UV rays from the sun and/or tanning beds cause premature aging, wrinkles, dark spots on the skin, and skin cancer. Personally, I believe that getting a spray tan may not always turn out perfectly, but it would be better to get a bad spray tan than to get skin cancer.
Another popular trend is large and heavy purses. Many women notice pain while carrying heavy purses but continue to carry them anyway. This leads to back and neck problems. Doctors often recommend that bags be less than 10 percent of our weight. Another danger of purses is thin straps, these can dig into the skin and if the bag is too heavy, can cause nerve pain. Girls should only carry the necessities in their purses, optional things can be left in your car.
Lastly, footwear trends have been leaving girls with body aches and pains. Flip flops and heels are common shoes causing these problems. Flip flops have no foot support leading to high risk injury to your feet, ankles, knees and lower back. They also cause a person to walk differently while trying to grip the shoe with your toes, causing you to use different muscles. High heels can cause premature arthritis, knee pain, and back pain. Also, cramming your foot into an uncomfortable shoe can cause nerve damage in your feet. I believe that is reasonable to wear heels to a school dance or special occasion and wear flip flops to the beach, but be cautious as to how often you wear non-supportive footwear.
These are just a few pop culture trends that are dangerous to your health. There are many other things that you should think twice about such as piercings and tattoos. At least stay away from tanning, large purses and non-supportive footwear for most occasions.

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